The UWV's Claim Assessment and Assurance System (CBBS) is used by UWV insurance doctors and employment experts to determine the degree of disability. The CBBS contains nearly 6,000 sample jobs that can theoretically be performed, including the load of those jobs. Due to the corona crisis, it is currently difficult for the UWV to keep the job descriptions current. In order to prevent the expiration of functions in the CBBS, the validity period of the functions is again being extended.
After 104 weeks of disability, the employee will receive WIA benefits. The employee will receive this benefit only if he or she is considered at least 35% incapacitated for work.
Determining disability rate
The UWV's labor expert assesses whether the employee is capable of performing theoretical functions. The labor expert does this on the basis of a number of data, such as the employee's limitations and educational level. If the labor expert can select at least three functions (with at least nine jobs), the degree of disability is determined.
The hourly wage of the middle position is compared to the hourly wage that employee earned prior to the onset of disability. The difference in wage loss determines the degree of disability.
Why is the validity period of CBBS functions being extended?
In determining the degree of occupational disability, the UWV often looks ahead: jobs must meet the conditions of the Schattingsbesluit arbeidsongeschiktheidswetten on the date to which the decision relates, such as the expected first day of benefits or review day. This date is usually two to three months after the labor expert's assessment.
Extension of measures, extension of validity period
Therefore, only functions that are still valid on the said date can be used for assessment. In June 2020, the validity period of functions until July 1, 2021 was already extended to from 24 to 36 months. The reason for this was the COVID-19 measures. As a result, company visits were no longer possible and reassessments of positions could no longer take place, threatening positions to expire. After termination of the measures, the UWV will be able to carry out the company visits again, which means that the validity period can also return to 24 months as of July 1, 2021.
Due to the extension of the corona measures, it is not yet possible for the UWV to conduct company visits. Because July 1, 2021 is getting closer, the extended validity period of 36 months continues to apply. As a result, the validity of the positions has been extended to July 1, 2022.
More information?
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