Our services

When there is an absentee employee within your company, it is common knowledge that you are responsible for the first 2 years of salary continuation and counseling. There may be the thought that you are now done with this case, however, nothing could be further from the truth!

As an employer, you are (financially) responsible for your sick employee for up to twelve years. Even if this employee is no longer employed by you! This also applies to (former) employees on temporary contracts. Your role as an employer in controlling sick leave and the associated financial consequences is becoming increasingly important. After all, managing sick leave involves more than choosing whether or not to bear the risk yourself! Resolu can support you with sickness law guidance, WGA guidance and objection & appeal. We also offer consultancy services and training in relation to these topics. Whatever your question, Resolu offers the right solution! View our services for more information.

Objection & Appeal
Sickness benefit guidance
WGA guidance
Claim management

Deployment doctor under sickness law
and/or WGA

Postings (registered) case manager

Apply for sickness benefit and WGA

Are you looking for guidance and clear information when applying for Sickness Act and WGA benefits? Receive expert help and find out everything you need to know to go through the application process smoothly.
