Resolu provides maximum support

We take the medical supervision of your Social Securityand/or WGA files off your hands. All of our colleagues are specialized in ERD-ZW and ERD-WGA and you can use our doctors on request. It is possible to purchase a block of availability or a single hour. Our system is set up in such a way that both your case managers and your (former) employees, as well as our doctors and the medical secretariat, can work in it optimally. The system offers short lines of communication between your case manager, our physicians and Resolu's medical secretariat, resulting in targeted cooperation. If you would like to use both of our physicians and our case managers, please refer to Sickness Law Counseling or WGA Counseling.


Apply for sickness benefit and WGA

Are you looking for guidance and clear information when applying for Sickness Act and WGA benefits? Receive expert help and find out everything you need to know to go through the application process smoothly.
