A track 2 trajectory is a reintegration trajectory. If you are unable to do your own work for a long time (track 1), a track 2 process will be started to look more actively for employment opportunities with other employers. Track 1 and track 2 can also be used side by side. A track 2 trajectory is only temporarily omitted if there are no usable possibilities (GBM) for reintegration, determined by the doctor. There are strict guidelines attached to this.
The track 2 route is a mandatory part in the second year of illness (or sometimes earlier). Your cooperation in this is an obligation within the Gatekeeper Improvement Act. A reintegration coach will work with you to look for suitable (paid) work or, for example, a work experience position or volunteer work. This process is tailored to your load capacity. The coach uses the job description (FML) of the (company) doctor and possibly an occupational health report as input.