The influx into the WIA (Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act) is three times higher in the 60-plus age group than in other age groups. As is well known, the UWV has backlogs in assessments. The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment has therefore authorized (temporary) extra-legal measures that have taken effect as of today.
Claims assessment scheme
One of the key measures is that people over 60 who have been sick for two years will no longer be routinely assessed by an insurance physician to determine eligibility for disability benefits. In the temporary non-statutory measures, the simplified WIA assessment will be done by an employment expert from the UWV. This may only be done with the consent of employer and employee; in principle, no one should be disadvantaged by it.
Under the scheme, the employee will default to the 80/100 WGA (Work Resumption Partially Disabled) group. After one year, the UWV assesses what the status is at that time. If this regulation is used, the (ex-)employer will not be charged for the WGA. So this can certainly be interesting for the employer, regardless of whether or not they are self-insurer for the WGA.
Learn more
As an (ex-)employer, it is important to be alert to this in order to make sure that the (ex-)employee does not end up on the WHK later on. Would you like to know more about WHK-determination? Please contact us.