What is the AOW?

AOW stands for Algemene Ouderdomswet (General Old Age Pensions Act) and regulates the mandatory, collective old age pension in the Netherlands.

What is the state pension age?

Your state pension age depends on your date of birth. The exact AOW age is announced 5 years in advance.

Employee in absenteeism and reaches retirement age

Do you have an employee who is on absenteeism or at risk of being on absenteeism and the "retirement port is coming up"? If so, make a file analysis! Consider the following factors; retirement date, leave/holiday days, risk of becoming a claim file, size of employment contract, whether or not ERD for the WGA, the collective bargaining agreement and much more. But also the softer factors, how does the employee see the period until retirement? What are the (im)possibilities.

State pension beneficiary neglected

Does the AOW beneficiary become ill? Then the employer must continue to pay wages for a maximum of 13 weeks. Also, the employer cannot dismiss the employee during the first 6 weeks of illness. The employer no longer has to look for suitable work in the company of another employer. He also does not have to draw up a plan of action for reintegration. If the employee is dismissed when you reach the state pension age or after, the employee is not entitled to a transition allowance.

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