When an employee is pregnant, she is always entitled to at least 16 weeks of leave; 6 weeks of maternity leave and 10 weeks of maternity leave. Maternity leave may commence at the employee's discretion from 6 to 4 weeks before the day after the due date. The maternity leave always starts on the day after the delivery. During this leave, the UWV pays pregnancy and childbirth benefit (WAZO). This benefit lasts as long as the leave. But what happens when an employee is pregnant and on leave?

Absenteeism during pregnancy

Thus, the UWV pays maternity benefits. When an employee is or ends up in absenteeism, it is important to file a safety net notification with the UWV. When doing so, pay close attention to whether there is compound absenteeism (before and after the end of leave), any new restrictions, and whether the safety net is granted.

Does the employee become absent due to pregnancy or childbirth and does she leave employment? Or is the employee who is absent due to childbirth granted WGA benefits? Then this is a safety net situation. This employee no longer falls under the influx risk under the Sickness Benefits Act/WGA for the former employer. However, this does not alter the fact that you must comply with the Wet Verbetering Poortwachter during the current employment. Does the employee leave your employment sick? Then this file needs to be taken over by UWV, and not by the party/health & safety service that does the sickness guidance. Importantly, this influx is not allocated in the Whk decision.

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