If an employee has completed the two years of absenteeism, and the UWV has conducted the WIA assessment then the employee may be awarded benefits. The employee and employer will then receive a letter from the UWV containing the decision. A WGA benefit applies if an employee has (partial) possibilities for work now or in the future. The abbreviation WGA means: Resumption of work partially disabled. But another abbreviation also often comes around the corner: LGU. What is an LGU?

What is an LGU?

Usually, with a WGA benefit, the first step is always LGU: a Wage Related Benefit. In the UWV's decision letter, you can see the date on which this starts and the amount of the LGU. How long an employee is entitled to an LGU benefit depends on the length of employment history. This benefit is between three and a maximum of 24 months. If not working, the first two months are 75% of the salary before a person became ill, then it goes back to 70%.


However, there are some conditions that the UWV places on being able to receive WIA benefits.

Some conditions are:

  • The employee may earn 65% or less than the former wage due to illness;
  • The employee service at least 26 weeks of the last 36 weeks (if not, a person may be eligible for another benefit from disability).

The WGA benefit is paid on a monthly basis. If the former employer bears the risk for WGA, the amount may be transferred by the former employer. It can also be transferred by the UWV. The UWV's decision letter will state this.

The influence of the ex-employer in the LGU

If an employee has been awarded LGU benefits from the UWV and the employer is self-insured for the WGA, the first 10 years will be imputed to the employer. The wage-related WGA benefit (paid in the first three to 24 months) will be allocated entirely to the employer. But does this mean that because it has been allocated to the employer, there is nothing more the employer can do?

No, definitely not. Resolu's case manager will then take over the WGA guidance from the employer. Among other things, this is important when the employer has the (medical) situation reassessed with some regularity. It is also important to properly monitor the transition from LGU benefit to another benefit. The employer who bears the own risk for the WGA will be informed about this by the UWV by letter.

Also, checking the Work Resume Greenhouse is an essential part. When checking theHRA, it is important to see if the correct ex-employee is on it and the correct type and amount of benefits have been allocated to the ex-employer.

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